Saturday, September 6, 2008

Home with Hannah

After spending a lazy day watching 3 Ohio football teams play (whew for OSU and awww to Miami), I dumped this goofy blog of mine for August posts (the month, not the adjective) into a Wordle.

It's a very fun little program -- it takes any text and makes a word cloud from it, like the one above, with more frequently used words ending up in bigger font. On Flickr, there were several Wordles using the speeches of Palin, McCain, and Obama -- in McCain's "country" and "government" come out pretty large while "peace" is a tiny little spec, Palin has a huge "America" and "McCain" with very small "citizens" and "serve", and Obama's shows his sense of urgency with big "time", "moment", and "years" along with the typical "America" and of course, "change". Interesting, eh?

It makes me giggle to see how people find this silly blog -- typically it's by a picture that I've linked (who knew Sheep in the Big City was such a popular photo?), but occasionally someone is Google-ing a series of words that leads them here. My former favorite was "blueberry vodka Barry Manilow", but it was replaced last week by "crackers sardines rap DC". I don't know if it's weirder that someone is searching those things or that it lands them here.

Hope everyone is safe and dry, wherever you are. by Jonathan Feinberg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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