Sunday, July 26, 2009


Work is nuts. Last week over my two long days I was scheduled with 25 patients. I've just started supervision of a fantastic clinical fellow but it means thinking for 2 people for awhile. I've been working a lot of Saturdays for the extra cash. I am tired.

So, today I skipped church in favor of watching a friend make a cameo on HGTV (her friends had their kitchen re-done on one of those "fix up your mess of a house before you sell it" shows and she was an open house participant - a good nosey one too as she looked in the cupboards and the oven) then had a leisurely French lunch with my friend A. Now I'm watching Law & Order and trying to decide if I should read or work the crossword puzzle next. The apartment is cool, the cat is snuggly.

I am so thankful to have a job, but I am also thankful to have time when I don't have to show up to it.

Pardon the obvious artistic reference: it's from here.

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